[PEP TALK] A reframe on PACE; Is it time to adjust?

Today’s episode is a reminder that we can CHANGE our PACE. It’s so easy to get caught up in societal pressures of getting to our goals more QUICKLY, whether those are career goals, relationship goals, or any other milestone we are working towards, but it’s important to not compare our own selves against other people’s lives (or their perfectly curated instagram feed) because they might be in a different SEASON that you and their pace may look different. Along with that, we can’t compare our CURRENT selves and the seasons we are in against a PRIOR VERSION of ourselves or other prior seasons. I think this episode will help shake up your perspective and remind you that you can change your pace to match the season you’re in, which will lead to a more fulfilling path as you work towards your goals.

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You can connect with me here:

My personal account → @kacia.ghetmiri

The Podcast Account → @empowerHER.podcast

Ali Hicks-Wright

Ali is an entrepreneur, designer, strategist and marketer who loves to turn ideas into beautiful, everlasting brands. Ali is a mountain dweller, beach vacationer, dog lover, and green chile enthusiast. 


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